Thank you for a successful 2025 Fawning Season! We had 123 bred fawns and 24 Faun-to-Fawns!
See next year in 2026!


Oncoming lunar activity has made the local spirits restless in their Middling Plane, and now they gather at the Rosen Forest in seek of a new life.
In order to speak to them, you must meet with the village Tellers alongside a companion and then embark on a long and arduous journey once the fawn is brought into existence.  

If you prove you are committed to this task, we can guide you toward your newly created Fawnid.  

Will you help those in need?


In order to participate in this event, you must link two Faunids to "find" a fawn.

You must have permission from the owner(s) of the Faunid(s) you are using.
You do not need to own either Faunid submitted in your form.
Submitted faunids can be privately owned or public helpers.

Faunid helpers available for the public are linked below.

If you aren't satisfied with your fawnid, you can reroll once.

Returned fawns will be resold to the public. They may be aged, changed, or sold as is.
Traits, species, and posture will be rerolled on your new fawn.
Re-rolling is free only if a fawn has not been drawn/colored.

Only one form per person is allowed to be posted every 24hrs.

You can order a maximum of 3 fawns. They are incremental in price.

The user posting the form must be the one owning the fawn.

The poster is not required to be the one paying for the fawn.
Users not in the discord can submit a form using this Google Form: CLICK HERE

Faunids have a maximum of 3 slots annually.

The maximum amount that can be charged for slots is $30 TOTAL.
For example:
- A Helper with three public slots could charge $10 for each slot at most.
- A Helper with one public slot could charge $30 for that slot, but the remaining two slots must be free.

Fawns can have a maximum of 15 traits.

Your chosen artist will be able to choose which traits to remove to fit this cap.
Herne's Blessing cannot be applied to pass this number. Your item(s) can be refunded, re-allocated as "credit" to be used elsewhere for faunid-related events, or kept on your account for future fawns.

All Faunids from this event will be colored on a customized base.

Every year has a designated base that will be used.

All fawnid edits are generated by RNG.

Mutation (1/10)
Traits (50/50)
Antler&Body Species (50/50)
MerfaunxStandard (50% Hybrid / 50%Merfaun)
MinodaexStandard (50%Standard / 50%Minodae)
MerfaunxMinodae (50%Merfaun / 50%Minodae)

Fawn price does not include the aging.


- 1st Fawn of the Season: $50
- 2nd Fawn of the Season: $60
- 3rd Fawn of the Season: $80

Basic price of fawnid. Includes all rolled edits, mutation, species, etc..

- Helper Fee: $0 - $30

Helper fees are up to owner discretion and not tied to base cost.

- Reroll: $40 / $50 / $70

Rerolling is free before the fawn is designed and published.
Upon completion, a reroll costs the initial cost minus $10.

Fenris' Curse: $10

Raises the chance for a single mutation from 1/10 to 1/5. One purchase per fawn.

Trait Denial: $5

Guarantees a helper trait will NOT pass onto a fawn.
One trait per denial.

Trait Security: $10

Guarantees a helper trait WILL pass onto a fawn. One trait per security. Two securities per fawn.

Herne's Blessing: $10

A single random trait is selected and given to a fawn.
Three blessings per fawn max.

Herne's Grace: $10

The colors of your fawn may be randomly adjusted/customized beyond the helper's existing palette. Can be used with Herne's Blessing.

Wild Child: $15

The fawn is guaranteed to be quadruped regardless of helpers.
Cannot be used for minoXmino pairs. Can be used to DENY minodae.

Handy Dandy: $10

The fawn is guaranteed to be bipedal regardless of helper.
Cannot be used on merXmer pairs. Can be used to DENY full merfauns.

hire a helper

Click on the above banner or the below link to see available helpers!

Slots listed do not include those that are still currently available.
Contact the faunid's owner for further inquiry.


Fawning Form

** Delete all brackets and bracketed content **

Username: [include ID #]
Helper #1:
[Link to Faunid. Include permission proof from the owner if you do not own this Faunid.]
Helper #2:
[Link to Faunid. Include permission proof from the owner if you do not own this Faunid.]
I am paying these Faunids for their help!:
[Include price for hiring if not owned. Remove this section if not applicable.]
[Trait Security, Fenris' Curse, Etc. Remove if not applicable.]
Chosen Artist: Payment: [Payment Amount]

Users in the discord must submit a form in this discord channel: CLICK HERE

Users not in the discord can submit a form using this Google Form: CLICK HERE

item purchases


You must purchase most items before submitting a form.
It is recommended to purchase Herne's Blessings AFTER a fawn is rolled.

Submit your faunid to be a helper

Want your Faunid to be displayed with all the other helpers?
Fill out this form and we will get to it when we can!​

Submissions close February 14th!

Link to Google Form

Faun to fawn

Like the fawn lines but don't want a fawn?
Get your existing faun transferred to the fawn lines! This does not "make them young", it is purely for fun.​

Price: $40+


** Delete all brackets and bracketed content **

Username: [include ID #]
Existing Faun:
[Link to Faunid who will will be transferred]
Desired lineart:
[Any extra items, lore related edits, etc]
Chosen Artist:

Lineart previews

Available artists (2025)

USD only
FtFs (no restrictions)

Only natural designs
(February 1st-7th)
At least 1 Piebald/patches

No Theme Anymore! (15th-28th)

USD Only

Late start due to moving!

USD Only

Must approve pair beforehand

Preview your fawn roll

Users can view their rolls here: CLICK HERE
