
All faunids originate from the "Primordial" Faunids who were a mass hybridization of (our) extant deer. With millions of years of evolution to adjust with the new habitats and climate, Proto-Faunids began to walk on their hind legs more easily. Their dew claws becoming nimbler and able to be used like thumbs.

Most Proto-Fauns were blessed by Herne to become the successors of Man. Blessed with true hands, functioning arms, high-levels of intelligence, and much more. Some Proto-Fauns wished to keep their former selves and were allowed to walk and exist as a typical deer once more. Together, they were tasked to keep Atalav alive and prosperous.

Cerv. Cornibus

Cervicheirus Cornibus (AnthroFaunids) are the most populated subspecies and are the most versatile. Somewhat resembling the extinct Homo sapiens, Faunidae are equipped with five fingered hands and incredible intelligence. This species has varying qualities that closely match extinct and extant standard deer in terms of face shape and antlers. However, they are all Faunidae.
Standard conformation of a Faunidae consists of a standard anthropomorphic deer with feathers. Occasionally, a Faunid will have a mutation that breaks from the standard conformation and traits. Considered the original Faunidae subspecies, some individuals believe they were made in Herne's vision and are the true Faunid.
  • Antlers never shed.
  • The only subspecies capable of  primordial mutation.
  • Most likely to be corrupted.
Almost identical in shape to standard deer, Cervilania Cornibus (Quadruped Faunids) are quadrupedal Faunids with matching intelligence to that of their sister species. Lacking hands, they typically employ themselves as means of physical labor similar to that of work animals.

Controversy secretly hides in the shadow, believed that all Cervilania have connections to the demi-god, Fenris. The only connection being that Fenris is also a quadruped. This rumor is not confirmed nor can it ever be confirmed.
  • Antlers never shed.
  • Occasionally used for spying.
  • Some individuals can communicate with standard deer

Cerv. Aquatilis

Cerv. Aquatilis (Merfauns) are a family of water-borne mammals that primarily populate secluded bodies of water. Unlike Cornibus, Aquatilis are incapable of  walking on land and instead use fish-like tails and fins to maneuver. Their form most closely resembles that of the quadruped Faunidae. The range of cervid-adjacent variation just as varied as their terrestrial cousins.

The skeletons of this species are relatively simple in form. Comprised of flexible yet durable bones, their anatomy is made to withstand hits to rocky outcrops and unfortunate trips toppling over coral reefs. It is very uncommon to see broken bones that are unable to be healed in time.

Occasionally, feathers will appear on the front half of a Merfaun. These feathers will naturally be covered in a thick preen oil that is supplied by small glands located at the base of the individual feathers.

Merfauns are all partially covered in extremely dense fur. The structure and density of this short fur is capable of trapping a thin layer of air and allowing the individual to be insulted in colder waters but to also glide effortlessly underwater.
  • Antlers never shed.
  • Susceptible to corruption.
  • Can hold breath for ~3 hours.
  • Tastes like fish.

Cerv. mimotaur

Cerv. Mimotaur are a large subspecies of Cerv. Cornibus that are mainly located in the Split Mountains. This species almost always outweighs and outgrows the standards of Cerv. Cornibus (Faunids) outside of particularly large faunids that may resemble species such as moose and elk.

Their bodies builds and holds onto fat much more readily than any other species. Considering the environment that they live in, it is most assumedly an evolutionary advantage to help survive brutal winters or poor harvests. This species does not have "showy" muscles and even in the summer, will be proportionally larger than any other sub-species.

Hormones affect Minodae through both horn size and aggression. Both sexes (any gender) can grow horns, but those who have a higher rate of testosterone will naturally grow larger horns. Plants and other natural sources have been found that are capable of supplying additional testosterone and/or estrogen.

Aggressive bulls with no outlet, particularly young bulls, may engage each other in friendly headbutting. While it is called friendly, to outsiders it may not appear as such. This activity is oftentimes banned within the confines of villages due to its destructive nature during the course of battle. Headbutting typically is done inside of battle-training arenas. If multiple bulls are wanting to court the same cow, they have the option of battling in order for her to pick a winner.
  • Struggles to hybridize
  • Only bipedal.
  • Less susceptible to corruption.