Fawnid self-ageups

All information is updated to the best of our current abilities and according to feedback to users. If you feel there is anything not covered in this resource, please let us know!​

Approval Fee: $30


PM staff to approve an exchange between users and to update the archive.
You may also trade and gift Faunids, but PM staff for approval first.

  • An ageup reference MUST HAVE a flatcolor front view, listed traits, a color palette.
  • For your self age-up you can use a supplied base, draw your own reference, or commission a reference.
  • Your supplied reference is only made "official" after approval and after the fee is sent.
  • ALL age ups are subject to staff's constructive critique and may require edits.
  • The user submitting the form for the ageup MUST own the fawn.
  • Please refer to the checklist at the bottom of the page before posting your submission.
  • Upon submission, you will be brought into a 1v1 thread with a staff member to discuss what may need to be edited or for payment confirmation.
  • You are not guaranteed to be approved.

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Available Bases

The below bases are linearts that are allowed to be use in aging up your faunid.



Your faun is not required to be in “faunid style” but must still be recognizable as their respective deer species.
Antlers must be based in realism.

  • “Chibi” and “cutesy” style is still recognizable as a deer species.
  • Drawn realism.
  • Stylized semi-realism.
  • Moderate stylization where the relative deer species can be identified.
  • Styles based on mainstream media are not allowed(MLP, Lion King, etc.)
  • Overly stylized anatomy that is no longer recognizable.
  • Anatomy must make sense to the species.
  • Stylization may not create “faux traits” due to exaggeration.



The lineart for your faunid should be visible, non-obtrusive, OPAQUE, and CLEAN.

  • Textured lineart but still clean.
  • Minor shading and solid linework, but non-obtrusive to the design.
  • Thin lineart that is visible.
  • Weighted lineart that never breaks.
  • Construction lines should not be visible.
  • Heavy lineart cannot obscure the design.
  • Lineart should not be broken and should be continuous.
  • Lineart should not be “sketchy” / “scratchy”.



A tangent is a line that is touching but not intersecting another line.
Within art, tangents cause visual confusion and overall weaker subjects.

  • Try to have limbs and significant areas completely overlap.
  • Don't have more than two or three lines meet together at one point.
  • Remember: tangents also occur within coloring.
  • Either cross over borders or stay well within them, don't be right on the edge.

A full writeup of tangent types and identifying them is linked below!



This section does not cover how markings appear in relation to the fawn image.
Only the actual appearance and quality of coloring is what is specified in this section.
You may be asked to revert "legal" changes if we feel your alteration does not benefit the original design.

  • Replicating the marking style.
  • You can soften some markings.
  • You can sharpen some markings.
  • You can soften and sharpen some markings.
  • Markings should not be drawn with an overly textured brush unless it was also done on the fawn originally.
  • Color must remain inside the lines.
  • Markings must be similar in proportion and shape to that of the fawn.
  • The entirety of the reference should be flat color and "color pickable".



The color palette and traits should be placed within the image.
Any additional information should be visually appealing and compliment the image reference.
Below are some official faunids you can use as a guide or inspiration.

  • When using color shapes behind the image, use colors that compliment or reflect the design.
  • Do not use more than 2 different fonts.
  • All text should be readable against its background.
  • Simpler is better if you are new to graphic design.
  • You are not required to have a transparent reference.
  • Trait lists and supplemental info DO NOT need to be big. Small but readable is best.

Marking Adjustment Guidelines

The below resource does not cover all applicable variables.
Please contact Deertush for any further concerns.



Any adjusted marking colors must still be in the color group/family of the original design’s marking. If the marking is blue, it must stay recognizably blue.
You may be asked to revert "legal" changes if we feel your alteration does not benefit the original design.

  • Saturation can be slightly adjusted.
  • Can be shifted to a more vibrant/brighter version of that color.
  • Slight hue shifting is allowed within the color “family”.
  • Can be a darker value/brightness.
  • You cannot drastically de/saturate a color or vice versa.
  • The color must remain the same color. In this case, yellow.
  • Additional colors cannot be added.
  • While in the same “family”, this is too far from the original brightness.



The aged faunid must have (at minimum) remnants of the original design’s marking.
Any changes must still adhere to the basic shape design of the original.The "ghost" of the original marking can be seen below as reference.
You may be asked to revert "legal" changes if we feel your alteration does not benefit the original design.

  • Sections(<50%) can be faded or removed.
  • Additional markings can be added but should not be major.
  • Another example of additional markings/marking extension.
  • Another example of subtle fading of the marking
  • Extensive marking additions not permitted even if it is following other patterns.
  • Read Above.
  • Unwarranted and foreign designs to the original are not allowed.
  • Complete removal is not allowed.


Other examples

The below images are further examples of possible marking adjustments as well as things that would NOT be acceptable.

  • Shape adjustment.
  • Shrunken version of original marking.
  • Shape adjustment and extending existing color.
  • Reducing size as well as color adjustment
  • Unwarranted marking pattern.
  • Total marking erasure.
  • The color is too far from the original.
  • The color is too bright.

trait limitations

The below resource does not cover all traits and only covers the most asked about.
Please contact Deertush for any further concerns.

Below is a link to ALL traits. Most will have an icon showcasing general public limits.



Hair cannot extend beyond the hooves/height of the faunid.
There must be noticeable hair/fluff on the head.



Hair/feathers cannot exceed 1.5x the length of the tail itself.
There must be a noticeable tuft of hair/feathers present at the tip of the tail.



Horse tails may be depicted in almost any fashion that a real life horse tail is depicted.

  • Texture should be hair-like.
  • Horse tail MUST have hair on it.
  • Length cannot exceed 1.5x of the faunid's height.



Not all fluff traits are shown here and is just an example with the most common traits.
Different traits will have different allowed lengths dependent on the area.

Fluff cannot be so long that it would realistically sag down like a mane.*
There must be noticeable extra fur at the targeted area.
*  - Exclusions to this rule: Heel fluff, Elbow Fluff dorsal mane


BISON fluff

Fluff must be present and visible in the minimum areas listed below.



A maximum of 50% of the fang may grow past the lower jaw.The fangs must be visible when the faunid’s mouth is closed.


The tusks cannot extend beyond the nostril.
The tusk must be visible when the faunid’s mouth is closed.

babirusa teeth

The lower tusk cannot be taller than the top of the muzzle.
The top tusk cannot form into a full semi-circle or more.
The tusks must be visible when the faunid’s mouth is closed.


Delete anything in brackets.

Owner: [user who owns the fawn]
Fawn: [link to website image of fawn]
Age up: [link to the age up image]
Artist: [who drew the age up]
Other: [any adjustments made to the colors/markings]

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question to see its answer!
How do I officially age up my fawn by myself?
Aging a fawn up without an official artist is possible. You will be required to have art of your grown fawn supplied by yourself or someone you commissioned. Once the age-up is done, the OWNER of the fawn will submit a post with a filled out form. A staff member will contact the poster with further direction.
If I do all the work, why is there still a fee?
Faunid fees, event store purchases, etc. all go towards keeping the site’s domain which requires an annual fee. You can bypass a fee if you are gifted or win a self-age up.
What can I have on my reference?
At minimum, you must include a front view of the faunid. Do not shade your reference. You are allowed to include extras such as back views, clothing, and props.
Can I give my fawn body modifications?
As long as these modifications cannot be confused with a trait, you can! Please ask and make sure beforehand though. The only mod not allowed is full tail docking/removal. If a mod affects an existing trait, it MUST be noted on the reference.
Is my art good enough for a self age-up?
It’s hard to say. Within this page, we cover art quality guidelines and requirements. Constructive critiques are always available before submission.
Can I draw a trait differently than it is on the original fawn?
Yes. It is recommended to draw the trait similar to how it is seen on the fawn's parent(s).
I'm not sure how to draw my fawn's trait(s).
If the given trait is not easily visible on the fawn's image, then it is recommended that you use the parent(s) as a reference to how the trait should display. It does not need to be 1:1, but it must be recognizabley similar.
My fawn's trait looks different than their parent's same trait.
Due to the mass amount of fawns that are requested, trait lineart is reused for some fawns to save on time. Unfortunately, this means that it may not totally look like the parent(s) version of the trait. In this case, it is best suggested that you reference the parent to guarantee that it will pass inspection.
What are the rules for (insert trait)?
If you are confused how you can depict a trait, try to look for other aged faunids and custom faunids who express the same trait. Adoptables are not a great reference since they can express peculiarities. Otherwise, please contact Deertush.
Can I have the feathers/fluff shorter/longer?
Fluff can grow to almost any length in accordance to the trait rules. Fluff cannot change texture type (curly, guardian, wavy, etc.)

The shape of feathers cannot change and must resemble the trait as seen on the parent faunid(s). If this trait was a blessing, any reasonable size and shape is allowed.
Why are there official age-ups that don't follow the rules?
In order to make this process possible for non-official artists, rules are required. This gives everyone a clear basis on what is or is not allowed. All art on site has to be approved, even official art.
Can I use a base outside of the ones provided?
No. You can use other bases for unofficial references, but not for the website submission. We simply want to avoid any issues that may be caused by the rules placed by the original base's owner.

Below is a link to ALL traits. Most will have an icon showcasing general public limits.
