Antler Islands & Salmon Coast

called antler islands due to the antler-like shape thats visible from the coast.

Marveled as the origin of the Merfaun, the Antler Islands are a mystery to most inland faunids. This collection of small islands is riddled with waterways and sand embankments perfect for Aquafaunidae to rest and thrive on. There is little to no built civilization on land and is mainly a large collection and gathering of individuals.

The Salmon Coast

Across the water from Makino is a lovely and bustling village where cares are far and few between. doubly named for its abundance in fish and neighboring pink island, the salmon coast is a welcoming and bustling village area where care are few and far between. it is one of very few places where (behaving) corrupteds are allowed to live alongside faunids.

visiting fauns are typically curious about visiting makino rather than the salmon coast. upon learning about restrictions and the reality of their distrusting neighbors, most mainland fauns will instead take to the coast's welcoming hospitality instead. using the coast as a hotspot. beautiful white sandy beaches and relaxing rafting. inhabitants are viewed as extremely nice and giving.

Current status

considered the TRUE ideal sanctuary and vacation area for mainland faunids, the widespread village is coastal and natural in design. using only their natural resources in the least intrusive methods possible, the buildings are not made to last forever. rather, they are designed to be constantly built upon and fixed as needed. if needed, their entire village is able to be dismantled and located further along the coastline to ease pressure on the current wildlife.

Infamy and Reputation

Wowem ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw adipiscing ewit, sed do eiusmod tempow incididunt ut wabowe et dowowe magnya awiqua. Ut enyim ad minyim venyiam, quis nyostwud exewcitation uwwamco wabowis nyisi ut awiquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iwuwe dowow in wepwehendewit in vowuptate vewit esse ciwwum dowowe eu fugiat nyuwwa pawiatuw. Excepteuw sint occaecat cupidatat nyon pwoident, sunt in cuwpa qui officia desewunt mowwit anyim id est wabowum.

History and mythos

Wowem ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw adipiscing ewit, sed do eiusmod tempow incididunt ut wabowe et dowowe magnya awiqua. Ut enyim ad minyim venyiam, quis nyostwud exewcitation uwwamco wabowis nyisi ut awiquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iwuwe dowow in wepwehendewit in vowuptate vewit esse ciwwum dowowe eu fugiat nyuwwa pawiatuw. Excepteuw sint occaecat cupidatat nyon pwoident, sunt in cuwpa qui officia desewunt mowwit anyim id est wabowum.

Religious Practices

Wowem ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw adipiscing ewit, sed do eiusmod tempow incididunt ut wabowe et dowowe magnya awiqua. Ut enyim ad minyim venyiam, quis nyostwud exewcitation uwwamco wabowis nyisi ut awiquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iwuwe dowow in wepwehendewit in vowuptate vewit esse ciwwum dowowe eu fugiat nyuwwa pawiatuw. Excepteuw sint occaecat cupidatat nyon pwoident, sunt in cuwpa qui officia desewunt mowwit anyim id est wabowum.

notable npcs

Wowem ipsum dowow sit amet, consectetuw adipiscing ewit, sed do eiusmod tempow incididunt ut wabowe et dowowe magnya awiqua. Ut enyim ad minyim venyiam, quis nyostwud exewcitation uwwamco wabowis nyisi ut awiquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute iwuwe dowow in wepwehendewit in vowuptate vewit esse ciwwum dowowe eu fugiat nyuwwa pawiatuw. Excepteuw sint occaecat cupidatat nyon pwoident, sunt in cuwpa qui officia desewunt mowwit anyim id est wabowum.
