Demonym: Makinae (plu.) Makino (sing.)
Location: North-West Atalav
Approximate population and pop. trends:
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Conflict level/rate of danger:
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As rosy as its name, The Rosen Forest is filled to the brim with cherry blossom trees. Fruiting and rosy pink year round, the snow-like fall of soft petals constantly drift to the ground to create a thin roseate blanket. Located throughout the brush and underneath the thick canopy are hardy rose bushes and other ornate flowers, vining flowers slowly climb the trunks of every tree trunk.
Located at the feet of the woods, small glowing crystals decorate the forest floor and sparkle like glittering treasure. Theft of these crystals is strictly forbidden and extremely regulated. wip
Infamous for:
Herne put the most devout followers here.
(similar to hernlaks's writing, "Where Herne touched Atalav, a sapling sprouted. This sapling grew rapidly till is supposedly touched the sky. The branches said to yearn for the god's touch once more. Some say that the tree has stopped it growth and its undeniable proof that the landmark has reached it goal. Others claim that the size of the tree makes it impossible to notice the subtle growth.")
Crystals are rumored to be herne's antlers protruding through the earth.
Pure corrupted hooves have never touched makino soil. anyone noticeably corrupting is publicly executed as a show to show their dedication. it is not a cheerful ceremony and takes months to plan and is akin to a funeral. no faun has fully corrupted in the timespan of the execution and is at minimum semi-conscious. due to the extreme consequence/ritual, the victim will typically only delve deeper into hysteria and disbelief. it is rare to escape once convicted. there are rumors of corrupting fauns to run away to the antler islands
Not only is the magical concentration spread throughout the soil, but it is tangibly strong within the crystals that grow from the ground. Being one of the few areas where these large trees reside yada yada. The Purity collection was founded in makino. Based in means of growth and healing, the purity collection is the second most common form of X taught
Morret // Cultural Figure
Morret is the inventor of the process used to extract dye from the Rosen Forest leaves. Prior to Morret’s arrival in Makino, the Rosen flowers were the only parts of the tree used, specifically so for tea. The leaves themselves were commonly used in funeral rites as decoration, decomposing with the body. He originally hailed from Lavandul, where his mother and father produced dye from the Lapine plants. However, when Makino merchants visited Lavendul one day carrying a bag of Rosen leaves along with the Makiros Teabags, Morret became obsessed with the color. The moment he came of age, he packed his bags, waved goodbye to Lavendul, and moved all the way to Makino where he perfected a specific method for making Rosen dye.
Due to his status as an outsider, he faced ostracization early on, and only managed to gain access to Rosen leaves after submitting three two-hundred-and-fifty page volumes on the production, benefits, importance, and cultural impact Rosen dye might have. After his death, he left behind three volumes on the production of dye, interspersed by his barely-decipherable personal notes (he was a very passionate, but sometimes incoherent man). Though his death is generally perceived as natural, some suggest that his status as an outsider led to an untimely, and not very accidental, death, involving his beloved teas and a tiny pit of poisonous sea sludge.
Ruru // Jewelry Smith
A budding talent in jewelry smithing. Her family has been practicing jewelry creation using Rosen Quartz since her mother’s father’s father’s mother’s father’s mother’s arrival in Makino. Don’t ask her to repeat that, by the way! She won’t. Though a little crude, she’s more open to discussing the techniques and importance of Rosen Quartz design than most of the elders she works with. Catch her at the wrong hour and she’ll slam the door in your face (anytime between first meal and late afternoon).
Tem // Tea Merchant
Local tea-seller. An expert in not only Makino-produced teas but also teas from the rest of Atalav, Tem never passes up an opportunity to speak with fellow tea enthusiasts; for this reason, he is located far away from central Makino in a more outsider-friendly area by the coast. He will gladly barter with you for a sample of your favorite tea, notes on production methods, or even herbs from outside of Makino. Due to his fragile constitution, Tem cannot travel outside of Makino and is therefore very interested in outsiders and the knowledge and expertise they can bring.