
Just as vile and toxic as the rainforest that borders the swamp-ridden ruins lays Necmir. A minor hotspot for corruption activity, most will avoid the area for general fear of their safety. The ruins that scatter the knee-deep waters are purely from neglect and abandon from those who desired for greener pastures.

Less than half of the population of the corruption 'capital', the threat for civilians is rather minimal. Only those who wander too far from home are usually targeted if at all. Corrupted faunids have found more reliable food sources from fishing, possibly the first population to practice the act of netting. Rather than spending their time recruiting for a war against god, the population has put their energy into adjusting their lifestyle to make life as a meat-hungry artiodactyl as comfortable as possible.

Current status

Infamy and Reputation

History and mythos

Religious Practices

notable npcs
