Unsure of what you received or what you need and want?
Use the chart below to answer your questions on what Fenris' tokens get you!

standard TOKEN GUIDE

Standard tokens are not corrupt specific.


Corrupt tokens are exclusive to corrupted faunids.

Using this item redeems the ability to make edits to your chosen antler base.

Blue Shell

Antler Edit

Using this item redeems boney growths that sprout from the skin

Broken Bone

Bony Growth

Using this item causes coral to spontaneously grow from your body.

Broken Coral

Coral Growth

Using this item can redeem lengthened lower canine teeth.

Broken Jaw

Large Tusks

Using this item morphs a pair of hands/hooves to bird-like talons.

Crow Foot

Avian Claws

This item allows ears to be edited or for the addition of one pair of ears.
Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.


Ear Edit

Using this item can redeem the option to add, remove, and move your eyeballs.


Eye Edit

Your tail is able to turn into a disgusting reptilian-like tail!

Lizard Tail

Reptilian Tail

Using this item transforms a 1-2 limbs into insectoid segments.

Locust Leg

Insect Limbs

Using this item can redeem lengthened upper canine teeth.

Loose Tooth

Long Fangs

Using this item opens a wound where you choose, exposing the muscles. Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.


Exposed Flesh

Using this item adds one to two (1-2) additional forelimbs. Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.



Using this item causes the body to be infected with mange.



Redeeming this token allows for some of your markings to emit a glowing light.

Premium: Glow


Redeeming this token melts your face away to expose nothing but bone.

Premium: Skull

Exposed Skull

Redeeming this token allows you a pair of wings (almost) anywhere on your body.

Premium: Wings

Vestigial Wings

Using this item turns (requested) areas of feathers into sharp quills.

Rotten Feather

Feather Rot

Using this item adds shedding velvet to antlers. A branch item is required.

Rotten Shell

Rotting Perma-Velvet

Using this item causes scales the sprout across the body.


Reptilian Scales

Using this item causes antlers to sprout where they shouldnt. Options are not limited to the above examples.
Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.
Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Shed Antler

Antler Misgrowth

Using this item changes your mouth to something more.. carnivorous.

Striped Shell

Predator Mouth

Using this item adds dromaeosaurid-like talons to two of your paired hooves.


Raptor Claws

Using this item causes fungus to spontaneously grow from your body.

Tan Shell

Fungus Growths

Using this item allows you to make (cohesive) edits to 1-4 of your hooves.

White Shell

Hoof Edits
